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Wealth Builder Weekly Newsletter

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Financial Tips & Strategies delivered to your inbox every week to help you own your future as a Mid-Career Professional...

    Are you a high-earning, mid-career professional who wants to take control of your finances...and build meaningful wealth for the future?

    New Book Coming Soon!!!

    This newsletter is specifically written for mid-career HENRYs... High Earners, Not Rich Yet.

    As a subscriber you'll receive relatable financial advice, tips, and strategies that are tailored to your financial situation as a mid-career professional.

    Topics I cover include:

    • Tax Mitigation & Planning Strategies
    • Investment & Asset Allocation Principles 
    • Tips to getting Financially Organized & tracking your long term goals
    • Estate & Insurance Planning Concepts
    • Education & Retirement Funding Strategies 
    • Case Studies of actual planning scenarios for clients of my firm.

    Original content twice per week...that's my promise!

    -Gideon Drucker, CFP® AIF® ECA.

    Meet Gideon...

    Gideon Drucker, Certified Financial Planner™ AIF® ECA is the President & CEO of Drucker Wealth, an Independent Financial Planning & Wealth Management  Firm, first started by Gideon's grandpa, Bernie, in 1959Gideon & his advisor team specialize in working with mid-career professionals (ages 36-49) looking to take a more proactive approach to their financial future.

    Gideon created the HENRY Syndrome® suite of services as a way to educate and empower mid-career professionals to make smart financial decisions for their futures. 

    Gideon was named a top 40 Under 40 Advisor by InvestmentNews, a Top 100 Advisor by Investopedia in both 2022 and 2023, and a 2023 Rising Star by FinancialPlanning.com. Gideon is a sought after public (& virtual!) speaker, presenting his HENRY Syndrome® workshops to hundreds of companies, organizations, and nonprofits across the country with a primary focus in the tech & medical communities. 

    More about Gideon:

    • Certified Financial Planner™ &  Accredited Investment Fiduciary®
    • Equity Compensation Associate
    • 2-Time Investopedia Top 100 Financial Advisor (2022 & 2023)
    • Top 40 Under 40, Investment News 2023
    • Rising Star 2023, Financial Planning
    • 2019 Forbes Top Next-Gen Advisor
    • Money Under 30 NYC Top Advisor
    • Author, HENRY Syndrome®