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Here's What We Think

Understanding Your Restricted Stock Units Thumbnail

Understanding Your Restricted Stock Units

If you work at a large public company, particularly in tech or consumer goods, you’ve likely been granted Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) as part of your compensation package. Being on the receiving end of Restricted Stock Units is a wonderful thing as they can play a huge role in the accumulation of wealth & ultimately towards dreams of financial independence.

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Are You Maximizing The Benefits Of Your Health Savings Account? Thumbnail

Are You Maximizing The Benefits Of Your Health Savings Account?

I've found in recent client meetings - there's widespread confusion about how High Deductible Health Plans and Health Savings Accounts work. Today I want to share how to best to use the HSA’s benefits for maximum long term success. Many high earning professionals are missing out on valuable tax benefits by not steering their HSA balances toward long-term investments!!

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