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Looking To Become More Financially Fit?

Attend an upcoming webinar!

Free Webinar Series:

"Designing Your Financial Life Plan®"

Hosted by: Gideon Drucker, CFP®, AIF®, Equity Compensation Associate®

Tuesday March 11th @ 6pm

Register Now

Interested in viewing the replay from our last webinar?
--> Email Bridget Farrington at bridget@druckerwealth.com.

Interested in hosting a personalized webinar for you and your coworkers?



You Like to Have Fun, and So Do We.

That’s why we combine a fun night out with financial education to help people like you get excited about planning your financial future. We know you don’t want to spend your evenings pouring over numbers and graphs, that’s why we bring financial planning to life through events you'll actually look forward to attending. You didn’t think financial education would pair so well with a dry red, did you?

Our Financial Classes Include

Financial Education paired with wine tasting

Wine Tasting



Professional Poker


Which Financial Education Program Is Right For Your Group? 

H.E.N.R.Y. Syndrome® Program
Bag Lady Syndrome Program
Our H.E.N.R.Y. Syndrome® program is geared toward young professionals, or as we say, H.E.N.R.Y.s (High Earners, Not Rich Yet). Our program is designed to help educate individuals to started on the right path to financial freedom. Ideal Audience: Our Bag Lady Syndrome events are designed for women going through major life changes, including preparing for retirement, going through a divorce, widowhood, changing jobs and more.  Ideal Audience:
  • Typically ages 34-49
  • Beginner-intermediate experience with investing
  • Appetite to take control of their financial future
  • Typically women ages 30+
  • Any level of experience with financial planning & investing
  • Women with the passion to design their own financial future

Interested In Hosting An Event For You and Your Family, Friends or Coworkers?


Where We've Presented: 

Uber NYC Headquarters
Compass Real Estate LogoCompass 
WeWork Headquarters
Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft
Uber San Francisco Headquarters
High Snobiety US Headquarters
Haddad Brands
The Lindley

Our events are anything but boring! Check out the photos below for a behind-the-scenes look at all of the fun we have!

Wine tasting during financial education eventKitty Ritchie speaking with client at financial education event