Here's How We Got Started
To explain who we are, we’ll start with where we came from. Our third-generation financial planning firm was founded in 1959 by Bernie Drucker. Today, Bernie’s legacy of using comprehensive planning to help families find financial independence is carried on by his son Lance and grandson, Gideon.
Over the past 3 generations and 63 years, we have provided objective financial advice to individuals and families looking to reach their financial potential. As fiduciaries we specialize in working with motivated & successful high earning professionals looking to take control of their financial future. Our whole approach is meant to help these HENRY's (High Earners Not Rich Yet) find their financial footing as, together, we design their interactive & ever evolving Financial Life Plan®.
And Here's Where We Are Today

We Can't Predict the Future
(Although We Wish We Could!)
Therefore, economic forecasting and prophesying about the markets aren’t what we’re good at. Instead, we focus our efforts on helping you control what you can to prepare for what you can’t.
What We Can Control
- Our behaviors and reactions to market changes
- Preparing a plan to account for market variations
- Stress testing your plan with "what-if" scenarios
What We Can't Control
- Political Climates
- Market Downturns and Upswings
- Economic Forecasts
We believe so strongly in educating our clients on how behavior will impact financial preparedness. That's why we make it a point to talk about behavior every opportunity we get. It is our vision that when (not if) bad things happen around you, our team has already built a plan that accounts for it.
Our Team Values
As a third-generation firm, we’ve had some time to reflect on what makes us tick. Here are just a few of the secret ingredients that make up the team at Drucker Wealth:
We embrace technology and change! We’re incorporate the latest and greatest tools to help prepare and automate your financial life plan.
We’ve been around for awhile, and we’ll be around for awhile more. Our clients know we aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.
In case you couldn’t tell, our team appreciates a good sense of humor. If you do too, we’ll get along great!
We’re not here to trick or confuse anyone when it comes to their finances. Instead, we prefer to have honest interactions as we offer easy-to-understand solutions.
Collectively, our team has over 100 years of experience and eight designations we leverage to prepare your comprehensive financial life plan.
Looking to join our world-class team?
Learn more about our career opportunities here.
We’re Passionate About Supporting Our Community
We love getting that warm and fuzzy feeling that comes with giving back to the community. That’s why we’re proud to support organizations including:
Society of Financial Awareness
SOFA’s mission is to educate, empower and enlighten one community, one person at a time. We help by speaking on a wide variety of financial topics at companies and local community groups.
Folds of Honor
As proud advocates for Folds of Honor, we host an annual Polar Bear Plunge fundraiser. This organization uses that money to provide educational scholarships to children and spouses of our fallen and disabled service members.
Baking Memories 4 Kids
Every holiday season, this organization bakes and sells over 400,000 mouthwatering chocolate chip cookies as a way to help send families with kids who are battling cancer to Disney World. We help bake cookies and send hundreds of boxes to our clients each year.