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Here's What We Think

Are You a Financial Procrastinator? 5 Ways To Overcome It

Financial procrastination is when you have financial obligations and moves to make, but you put those decisions aside on a continuous basis. For instance – you know you need to balance your checkbook, but you continue waiting until things are going wrong. Or, you may have student loans and need to apply for a deferment but you let the time-lapse and end up in the credit bureau.

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Life Stages That Impact Your Life Insurance Needs

As a HENRY or Pre-retiree, you should understand that having life insurance is part of a responsible financial plan. Most people are not aware that needs keep changing according to their life stage. If you have found a plan that meets your needs and gives you peace of mind, it is important to reevaluate your life insurance needs as they fluctuate during different life stages.

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Finding the ‘Goldilocks’ Retirement Plan

Where do you set aside the money you’re saving for retirement? You likely save for retirement primarily through an employer’s retirement plan. Unfortunately, less than one-half of private sector employers sponsor retirement plans. In part, that may be because of a misconception among smaller employers that think sponsoring a retirement plan is too expensive.The fact is there are workplace retirement plans developed specifically for smaller employers.

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If There's a Will, There's a Way

It’s a good idea to have a will so any assets left behind go to the people or organizations you choose – and not to legal fees, taxes, and heirs chosen by a probate judge. Take control of your future and make a plan. Read this week's blog to learn how working with a professional advisor can help you with the process of creating your will.

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