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Are You Retirement Ready? Take The Quiz! Thumbnail

Are You Retirement Ready? Take The Quiz!

Can you retire comfortably and remain comfortably retired? 

Take our 3 minute quiz to see if you need to attend our webinar.  Either "vaya con dios" or "Uh oh...i may need help!" 

You get 1 point for each "yes" answer.

Do you know how much you need each month to cover your nut?
Do you know how much you are able to save each month?
Is "all" of your "stuff" properly titled so that if something happens to you it goes to the right persons?
Do I have a process to generate sustainable income in retirement?
Am I aware of "my" optimal age to collect social security?
Do I have a plan for how I will pay for home/facility care if/when I need it?
Do I understand my potentially biggest financial risk: Sequence of Return risk?  
Do I know what my "risk number" is and what it means to my investments?
Do I have any type of encrypted, cloud based, "financial portal" that aggregates ALL of my assets and provides a secure digital vault for all of my financial/legal documents.
When making financial decisions, do I "wing it" and hope for the best rather than use a financial decision center that takes ALL of my financial information, goals, risk, assets, and expenses and uses probability theory to provide a best outcome scenario?

What your score is telling you:

8-10 points;

You are a financial wunderkind, and we would consider hiring you.

6-8 points;     

Good job, but it would appear there may be some cracks in the armor that you might want to fill. 

4-6 points;

Ruh Roh! You have been lucky, but your approach to planning is akin to buying a lottery ticket instead of contributing to your 401(K).

2-4 points;

You probably should have cheated or called a friend for help when taking this quiz.

...did you score 8 points or less?

Your next step: Book a Right Fit Call with our team to learn...

  • How our Financial Life Planning process can help you prepare for a comfortable retirement... or remain comfortably retired!

  • How our Financial Life Plan can help you to reduce reduce taxes, invest smarter and optimize your income...

    Book A Call

If you missed are still wondering if you are retirement ready, download our free checklist!

Retirement Ready Checklist