Why Would I Work With Drucker Wealth?
Because we’re awesome. But more seriously we genuinely love educating and empowering our clients to take control of their financial future. We pride ourselves in our ability to make complex financial topics easy to understand. We use powerful tools to enhance the planning experience and we love creating a highly personalized client experience.
Second, we offer an objective perspective, free from any conflict of interests through utilizing our Financial Life Planning process. Whether you are looking for an analysis of your current financial picture, or you are ready to make some changes in your financial world, we can help with both. We aren't required to have assets under our management to work with someone.
As a fiduciary we have a duty to operate in the best interest of each and every client. Not all investment advisors and brokers operate exclusively under a fiduciary standard – but we do, and we believe this is key differentiator from many of our competitors at the larger firms.
How Do You Get Paid?
We create Financial Life Plans for a flat fee that ranges depending on the complexity of your situation. We make objective, actionable recommendations that you can choose to implement with our firm or anywhere you feel comfortable. If you choose to work with us after your Financial Life Plan is complete, we may receive commission from some of the elements of your plan we implement, and should you choose to hold your investments with Drucker Wealth we receive a typical percentage of assets under management.
Will You Manage My Assets?
We can. But first and foremost, we will create a Financial Life Plan, which does not require you to hold any of your investments with us. We won’t suggest investment options without performing a financial analysis generally speaking. I mean, we're just not good enough to provide credible advice without seeing the entire financial picture and understanding the overlapping and sometimes competing client goals. So we first educate , then plan, and then if we come to an agreement, we will advise and provide investment services.
Why Do You Talk So Much About Behavioral Finance?
We like to focus on what we can control, and not what we can’t. We do not prognosticate about the markets, politics or the weather. We do focus on what we can control, that being our behavior and yours. We will create a plan that will be successful based on historical data.
What Are Your Qualifications?
Our team is made up of some pretty awesome, and intelligent individuals. Our team is comprised of the following professionals:
- 3 Retirement Income Certified Planners®
- 1 Accredited Investment Fiduciary®
- 1 Chartered Life Underwriter
- 1 Chartered Financial Educator
- 1 Chartered Financial Consultant
- Combined experience of 100+ Years
Why Can't I Do It All By Myself?
You probably could. However, we have been creating financial plans for the past 60 years and it is the ONLY thing we do, meaning we spend 24/7 reviewing, revising and implementing financial plans. We are kind of obsessed with financial planning and since you really only have one chance in life to get your plan “right” are you confident you have the bandwidth to take on that responsibility? Many people choose to work with our team to free up time and energy that could be used on more meaningful experiences.
Do You Meet With Your Clients In Person Or Virtually?
We have been in business since 1959, and we’ve had the same phone number for 3 decades so you can imagine we know how to do things the “traditional” way around here.
Yes, we like meeting with our clients face-to-face when it is safe to do so. Our office is conveniently located on Park Ave, 10 minutes from Penn Station & Grand Central, right above the 6 train at 33rd Street. Though we’d love the opportunity to serve you a cup of coffee and warm chocolate chip cookie, all meetings are currently being held via Zoom.
We do love technology and the ability we have to meet with clients living in other states virtually. So, if you’d like to create your Financial Life Plan from the comfort of your own home, we are excited to work with you over Zoom!
What If I Only Want Advice But Not Sure If I Want To Move my Investments?
Our Financial Life Plan will provide you 360 view of your entire financial world. As part of the plan we will give you our recommendations, but you are by no means obligated to implement them with us. We believe in providing objective advice free from the conflict of interest you might find with advisors who are going to recommend the same products to everyone they meet with. Your needs are unique and so should be the solutions that make up your Financial Life Plan.
What Is Your Minimum Investable Asset Amount I Need To Have To Work With You?
If you are approaching retirement, say 5-10 years away from stepping off the wheel, we typically work with pre-retirees with $1mm and above in savings.
If you are a young professional, it is likely you are still building your arc. We want to grow with you over time, so rather than focus on what you have in the bank right now, we focus on your ability to save. Our Wealth Builder clients typically have the capacity to save $1,000+ a month.
Does Drucker Wealth Has a Fiduciary Responsibility?
Yes. To act as your fiduciary, we must always provide you objective, competent financial advice that is in your best interest. Always.
In fact, each of our advisors hold their Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) Designation which empowers investment professionals with the fiduciary knowledge and tools they need to serve their clients' best interests.
Why Do You Chose To Partner With Horner, Townsend & Kent?
Horner Townsend & Kent, LLC (HTK) is the engine that makes our firm go. We couldn't provide the client experience that we deliver - at least not to the same level - without them.
We choose to partner with them for a number of reasons. First, their technology is truly state-of-the art. Leveraging HTK's technology allows us to do more with less at an exceptionally reasonable cost to the client.
Second, they provide oversight. We are audited by a member of HTK’s compliance team every year. There is active surveillance of the portfolios under our stewardship to ensure alignment with the policy and parameters of the client.
Finally, HTK’s culture and vision is totally in sync with how we want our business to operate. And they are simply nice people to work with! They are focused on their clients (us), just as we are totally focused on our clients (you).