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Here's What We Think

How To Plan For Now, Soon & Later As A Young Mom Thumbnail

How To Plan For Now, Soon & Later As A Young Mom

To all the mother’s out there, where does your financial future rank right now on the list of priorities you currently juggle? In between packing lunches, homework, teacher appreciation, birthday parties, sports activities, laundry, grocery shopping, paying the bills, bath time, bedtime stories, Band-Aids and boo boos… you are caretaker, rule maker, meal maker, biggest fan and cheerleader. On top of this, you might also have a career to juggle and so it’s no wonder that finding the time to think about investments or retirement will slip your mind!

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When should you pay off your mortgage? Thumbnail

When should you pay off your mortgage?

As a financial planner for mid-career professionals, I get versions of this question all the time, “Should I use my annual bonus to pay down the mortgage balance?” Like any nuanced financial decision, the answer is far from black and white so let’s explore when it does and does not make sense to pay off your mortgage more aggressively.

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