Lance's Takeaway from 'The Psychology of Money' by Morgan Housel
So I just started reading “The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel…
So I just started reading “The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel…
Lance Drucker, CLU, ChFC, President and CEO of Drucker Wealth, has been accepted into Forbes Finance Council, an invitation-only community for executives in accounting, financial planning, wealth and asset management, and investment firms.
Many of us are living through our first REAL stock market meltdown. For myself & most of my 30-40 year old clients, we either weren't out of college yet or we weren't making enough money (and didn't have enough money certainly!) for the pain to really reach us on a physical and emotional level. So this all feels new...which makes it feel even scarier and more unnerving. I get it...and you're not wrong...it is both of those things! But, please, take the time to ask your parents what they did in 2008...and knowing what came after, what they would have changed in their investment behavior if they could? And read my post below...because, trust me, it seemed like the world was coming to an end back then...and then it didn't. This too shall pass.